Now booking June parties!

I was hesitant to book June parties because I wasn’t sure if I would be in Atlanta or New Jersey, but it looks like we will be in NJ through the month of June, so I’m ready to book parties!

Current available dates are:

June 4-5

June 12-13

June 20

June 25-27

Weeknights are also an option!  Contact me at myblissparties at if you would like to book a party and earn free products!

Add a comment May 2, 2010

New products in!

Now that I’m profitable I can add some new stuff to my presentation.  Additionally, I received my bonus party booster for hitting Fast Track month 1.

The newest additions to my table are:

Add a comment April 24, 2010

Upcoming Party – April 24

Oooh! I am so excited about this weekend’s party because it is the business builder opportunity for my very first sponsored consultant, Carrie!!  Carrie hosted a bachelorette party for her friend two weekends ago and I could tell by the gleam in her eye that she would make an excellent consultant!

She is taking advantage of the opportunity to have me come and do another party for her, and the profits from that party will go towards purchasing her presentation kit and she already has another party all lined up – she is off to a GREAT start.

I am so excited she is ready to get started with Passion Parties and its so fun to be able to share this wonderful opportunity with her.

Add a comment April 19, 2010

Month 1 and 2 in business – SUCCESS!

The first goal to reach in Passion Parties is to hit “Fast Track” month 1, which is to make $1000 in retail sales your first full month in business.  I am VERY PROUD to report that I hit that sales goal for the month of March, and I am less than $100 away from hitting it for month 2 as well with more orders to put in.

I get some fun bonuses and prizes for hitting these goals.  I can’t believe I have done it already.  I am hoping to hit Fast Track month 3 as well, but to do it I need to find two people who want to start with Passion Parties by the end of May….is that you??  If so, please come talk to me and get in on this great opportunity while helping me reach my goal!

Add a comment April 14, 2010

Upcoming party – May 8 in Delaware

Very excited about this one! I have been a member of an online message board community for about 3 years now and this amazing group of women have been so helpful in helping me get my business off the ground! I’m doing a party for my “Strong Mommas” in Delaware on May 8.  I have met some of these women once before, but it will be great to see them again and hopefully meet some of the ones I haven’t met before!  Can’t wait!  Thanks Kris for hosting!

Add a comment April 14, 2010

Spring Fling Specials

Starting today, book a party with me and host it by Sunday, May 30 and receive 25% off one item!

Current dates available are:

Friday, April 23

Saturday, April 24 – TAKEN!

Friday, April 30

Friday, May 7

Friday, May 14

Saturday, May 15 – TAKEN!

Friday, May 28

Saturday, May 29

Go to to complete the contact form and I’ll be in touch with you within 24 hours to confirm your date!

Add a comment April 13, 2010

Welcome to the Bliss Parties Blog!

Welcome to the Bliss Parties blog!  I created this website to enable to me to keep my clients informed on specials, available dates for bookings, successes, back ordered items and any other information I think is important for you to know.

I will also share tips to keep your love life hot, as well as pictures and videos from my parties (with permission from those in them of course!)

Check back often!

Add a comment April 13, 2010



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